Aug 27, 2019 | Advocacy, Authorizing, Curriculum & Instruction, Educators, Terry's Blog
The Colorado Charter School Institute (CSI) is committed to the creation and success of high-quality charter public schools that meet the needs of their communities, particularly those serving at-risk populations and working to close the achievement gap. CSI...
Mar 26, 2019 | Curriculum & Instruction, Educators, School Leadership, Terry's Blog
Does curriculum matter? Maybe not as much as previously thought, according to a recent study released by the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University. The study, which looked at student achievement data in six states across three school years and...
Feb 27, 2019 | Accountability, Authorizing, Curriculum & Instruction, Terry's Blog
This post was written by Ryan Marks, CSI Director of Evaluation and Assessment. While the CSI Annual Review of Schools (CARS) currently serves as a model for other charter school authorizers in Colorado, CSI is interested in spurring continued innovation across...
Jan 18, 2019 | Curriculum & Instruction, Educators, School Leadership, Terry's Blog
By the time my fourth child reached elementary school and after many years as a principal, I was much more prepared to identify the diverse learning needs of my own children and how to navigate the world of special education. Most parents are confused and overwhelmed...