Julie Eddy
I’m Julie Eddy and I joined CSI in 2016 as the Data Manager as part of the Data Submissions Team. My primary responsibilities are to provide support for the October Count and At-Risk Audit processes and support for data processing and validations for various state collections. I’ve been working in the area of public student data collections in Colorado since 2002 and provided state and federal data management support to the Colorado Community College System prior to coming to CSI.
Things I enjoy most in my current role at CSI is to be a part of designing data reporting practices that are most efficient for schools, as well as maximizing potential funding for schools by helping to ensure accurate student data submissions.
I have a Master’s degree in Geology and found myself gravitating toward data systems and database design from studies and work completed in the area of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I did start out in college pursuing a degree in Education, and my career path has circled back to a perfect blend of working in data management within education. I truly love working closely with school staff to complete the data submission processes along with tackling the changes and challenges that inevitably happen with data reporting requirements each year.