Jul 31, 2019 | Authorizing, School Choice, Terry's Blog
The Colorado Charter School Institute Act was signed into law 15 years ago this summer. The Act established a statewide charter authorizer with a mission to foster high-quality school options with a particular focus on service to at-risk students. In preparation for...
May 14, 2019 | Advocacy, School Choice, Terry's Blog
May 12-18, 2019 is National Charter Schools Week and this year’s theme is: Charter Schools Are… because each charter school is unique and we all have our own definition of what charter schools mean to us. Charter Schools Are… The open-ended nature of the theme...
Jan 24, 2019 | Governance, School Choice, School Leadership, Terry's Blog
National School Choice Week is a weeklong event which exists to highlight the importance of school options, including magnet schools, private schools, online schools, and charter schools. As a charter school authorizer, it’s no surprise that I believe in the charter...
Sep 28, 2018 | School Choice, School Leadership, Terry's Blog
Now that we’re at the end of September, many school leaders focus on the impending Pupil Count Day, which takes place on October 3rd this year. This is a critical day for public schools, especially charter public schools, since the vast majority of a charter school’s...