Jul 31, 2019 | Authorizing, School Choice, Terry's Blog
The Colorado Charter School Institute Act was signed into law 15 years ago this summer. The Act established a statewide charter authorizer with a mission to foster high-quality school options with a particular focus on service to at-risk students. In preparation for...
Feb 27, 2019 | Accountability, Authorizing, Curriculum & Instruction, Terry's Blog
This post was written by Ryan Marks, CSI Director of Evaluation and Assessment. While the CSI Annual Review of Schools (CARS) currently serves as a model for other charter school authorizers in Colorado, CSI is interested in spurring continued innovation across...
Oct 18, 2018 | Authorizing, Terry's Blog
So I’m sitting in the dentist chair and the hygienist asks “What kind of work you do?” The first thing I think is that this is not going to be easy to explain, so I start with some simple statement: “I work in education.” The conversation continues. “Oh, so you’re a...